Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Mud Cupcake Recipes

Mud Cupcake Recipes

- 160 gr unsalted butter
- 250 gr dark cooking chocolate, chopped
- 50ml warm water
- 1 / 2 teaspoon brown paste
- 4 egg yolks
- 100 g caster sugar
- 75 g cake flour
- 25 gr chocolate powder
- 4 egg whites
- 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
- 50 g caster sugar

Toping Material:
- 100 ml heavy cream
- 150 gr dark cooking chocolate, chopped
- 15 g unsalted butter

1. Cake: preheat the unsalted butter. Turn off the fire. Add pieces of dark chocolate. Stir until dissolved. Pour warm water and chocolate pasta. Mix well. Set aside.
2. Beat the egg yolks and caster sugar until fluffy. Pour mixture of unsalted butter in small increments while shaken gently.
3. Enter the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and almond powder and mix evenly as he sifted. Set aside.
4. Beat the egg whites and salt until fluffy half. Add caster sugar a little as she whipped until fluffy.
5. Pour a little into the flour mixture, stirring gently.
6. Pour in muffin cups dialas wide short paper gold or silver color.
7. Oven 25 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Ceslcius until cooked.
8. Topping: Heat heavy cream. Insert pieces of dark cooking chocolate. Stir until dissolved. Lift.
9. Add unsalted butter. Mix well. Leave a little thick in the refrigerator.
10. Rub over surface of cake toppings irregularly.

For 27 pieces.

READ MORE - Mud Cupcake Recipes

Chocolate Caramel Cake Recipe

Chocolate Caramel Cake Recipe

Material 1:
460 gr sugar
100 gr water
6 egg yolks
6 eggs egg white

material 2:
140 gr flour
60 g cocoa powder
100 g butter, melted

50 g sugar
6 egg yolks
500 ml of liquid milk

Heat 300 gr granulated sugar until the caramel, pour water and stir until thick
Pour into a heat resistant bowl beroles butter

Mix all ingredients and stir until sugar dissolves.
Pour into the caramel and then the team in the oven until cooked.

Beat 100 grams of sugar and egg yolks until fluffy.
Shake 60 grams of sugar and egg whites then mix well
Add ingredients 2, mix well and pour onto the custard.
Bake in a fire on for 20 minutes.
Lift then baked again under fire for 10 minutes.
Garnish with fresh fruit pieces.

Baru! Tahan tombol shift, dan seret kata di atas untuk mengatur ulang. Singkirkan
READ MORE - Chocolate Caramel Cake Recipe

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Mango Pudding Cake Recipe


inforesep puding cake magga2 300x199 Resep Puding Cake Mangga

Recipes Pudding Cake Mango Cake Ingredients:

     3 eggs
     60 grams sugar
     75 gra cake flour
     60 grams margarine, melted
     1 / 4 teaspoon vanilla essence

I Pudding Recipe Ingredients Mango Pudding Cake:

     300 ml water
     100 ml mango syrup
     1 packet gelatin powder
     3 egg whites
     1 / 8 teaspoon salt
     30 grams sugar
     250 grams of meat ripe mangoes, halved thinly sliced
READ MORE - Mango Pudding Cake Recipe

Recipes Gateau au Citron (Lemon Cake)

Recipe Ingredients Gateau au Citron (Lemon Cake):

     4 eggs, separate white and yellow
     130 grams granulated sugar
     80 grams butter, melted
     3 pieces of medium size lemon, squeezed
     5 grams baking powder
     120 grams flour

How to Make Gateau au Citron (Lemon Cake):

     Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
     Batter 1: Combine the egg yolks with sugar and stir well with a mixer.
     Batter 2: Mix butter with lemon juice, baking powder, and flour. Mix well with mixer.
     Batter 3: Beat egg whites with mixer until frothy.
     Enter the second batter into cake pan and mix the batter 1, bake in oven for 20 minutes. After a look half-baked (+ 15 minutes), apply a 3 in the surface of the cake batter. Bake again until cooked evenly.
     Remove and serve.
READ MORE - Recipes Gateau au Citron (Lemon Cake)